The On-Line Culture Museum

Ever since I was a bit younger than I am whilst typing this, I've wanted to curate a museum. I used to look at the old Odeon building on Pilgrim Street in Newcastle and dream of converting it into a museum of Film, TV and Culture.  It would have shown classic movies every night in the bit theatre, had cultural icons who aren't celebrated nearly enough along the walls, rooms dedicated to specific eras of Film, Comedy, Music and Icons. I remember Madam Tussaud's in Blackpool in the 80s had Henry VIII, Harold Lloyd, Alfred Hitchcock, Elvis. Now they've got people off Coronation Street and Rylan.

So, I thought to myself, why not do it? Why not have that dream? Why not start a museum, but online so you don't have to pay for a building and staff and that? Well, this is my museum of culture. In it you'll find people who I have personally been influenced by, idolised, wanted to be or think that they're so culturally important for their time and are criminally brushed under the carpet of time, that they deserve to be honoured somewhere, even if it's just on this tiny corner of the internet.

So click to enter one of the rooms below and be swept along the corridors of those who have been culturally significant to the development of their corner of the arts and entertainment. (As you can appreciate, this is a work in progress so some of the rooms are quite empty at the moment. You're welcome to go have a look though, sit down, have a cup of tea and stare at the blank walls, if that's what you're in to.)